Friday, November 4, 2011


Can any of us imagine what it would feel like to live in a town where bombs were randomly dropping on homes and major population centers? Since Israel withdrew from the Gaza Strip in 2005, terrorists have fired more than 7,000 rockets and mortars into Israel, putting millions of Israelis under threat on a daily basis. Hamas is the ruling entity of the Gaza Strip; the terrorist organization is designated as a terrorist entity by the US, UK, EU and Israel. In the last year, more than 566 rockets and mortar shells were fired at major population centers in southern Israel:

More than half a million Israelis have less than 60 seconds to find shelter after a rocket is launched from Gaza into Israel. Most rockets launched from Gaza into Israel are capable of reaching Israel’s biggest southern cities:

Although Israel withdrew from the Gaza Strip in 2005, terrorists continued to launch thousands of rockets into Israeli cities and communities. After exhausting nonmilitary moves and diplomatic overtures to hinder Hamas’ incessant rocket attacks, Israel launched Operation Cast Lead in December 2008; however, in one day alone, this past Saturday, a total of 35 projectiles including Iranian-made Grads and mortar shells struck Israel!

Shrapnel impact from rocket explosion on front yard of Ashkelon residential home this past Saturday.

 Elad, an Ashkelon taxi driver, who was born and raised in the city said that Saturday night was a nightmarish experience. "Working as a taxi driver during these kinds of terror attacks is the worst experience. While everyone else stays at home and in their shelters, we have to go out to make our living."

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