Wednesday, December 7, 2011


   I remember when I was young, and my parents would catch me doing something wrong. My first response was always to blame my younger brother (that was when he was still smaller than I was) or to blame the dog or the poor cat who usually lived a very unattached life when it came to family involvement. I usually got in more trouble for “blaming”someone or something other than myself than I would have gotten for the original crime. It’s now 40+ years later, and I have noticed in life, it seems to be our nature to not admit our mistakes. Of course, there are some who take it to extremes, like blaming George W. Bush for earthquakes, hurricanes and every natural disaster on the planet during his administration! Then there is the more “standard” age-old scapegoat, “Blame-the Jews-and-Israel”. The Jews have been historically blamed for plagues, economic collapses and Arab woes for hundreds, even thousands of years (remember Geshem blaming Nehemiah and the Jews for disobeying the King and messing up the wall in Jerusalem?)

   I have to say though, this new round of “blame-the-Jews” takes the cake for absolutely absurd! We have Howard Gutman, the U.S. Ambassador to Belgium whose parents are holocaust survivors, claiming that anti-Semitism in the Arab world is not the same as anti-Semitism in Europe. Anti-Semitism in the Arab world is justified by Israel’s actions. That’s Israel, the country that takes up less than 1% of the land surface in the Middle East! That’s Israel, who is targeted by “it’s partners for peace” with rockets that range up to 40 kilometers into its nation giving people 50-55 seconds to go into shelters. Of course, we should understand that when Israel was forced to give Gaza to the “Palestinian Arabs” (better known as Hamas) it was done so that peace would be negotiated, and Gaza would flourish as a vibrant community for a displaced Arab people – NOT SO A LAUNCHING PAD WOULD BE CREATED FOR 100’S OF ROCKETS INTO ISRAEL!

    If Ambassador Gutman was a rare occurence, he would not be worth mentioning, but Defense secretary, Leon Panetta became a recent new honorary member of the “Blame Israel” club as well!  Mr. Panetta kind of “lost his temper” with Israel last week and demanded Israel “just get to the damn table” and negotiate with the PA.  As an honorary “Blame Israel” member, Panetta told the audience at a Brookings Institute event that Israel needed to help the United States with its “outreach” to Arab states. He sounded surprised that the “Arab Spring” has resulted in the nations surrounding Israel falling into “Islamist domination” and encouraged Israel to help the U.S. with security objectives……uh, didn’t the President of the United States insist Hosni Mubarek leave? (Even though the man maintained peace with Israel and stability in the nation for over 30 years?) Is there any example of a peace loving Arab democracy in the Middle East? Or for that matter anywhere? I guess it’s just easier to Blame Israel – like there would be no issues if Israel were not stuck on the planet.

   All this aside, the blue ribbon, first prize for the best “Blame Israel” excuse goes to Norway! Yes, beautiful land of the midnight sun! Norway has recently experienced an unprecedented wave of violent rapes. 45 of the 48 recently reported were perpetrated by Muslim immigrants against local Norwegian women. A police report went public in Oslo referencing  that several of the rapists told their victims their religion gives them the right to dominate women in this fashion. SOMEHOW, this became an occasion to Blame Israel! I am sure you are wondering, “HOW?” I know I was! The government of Norway claimed that when the police report went public, it “served Israel and its policy of occupation”. As Norway’s justice minister concluded, “Israel must be glad to hear about it.” Yikes! That’s like getting caught beating up your little sister and your only response is, “she’s probably happy I’m in trouble.”  Stay tuned for future “awards” in the “Blame Israel” club.  Something tells me the competition is ready to gear up for a new season of play!

·         Blame Israel video under “Check This Out” is a must see!

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