Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Valentine’s day is celebrated in many parts of the world today.

Where did this celebration come from?

Where did it begin?

Valentine was a priest in Rome under Emperor Claudius II.
He lived around 270 AD.

Claudius II refused to allow young men to marry, believing that they would make better soldiers if they were not concerned for their families.
He also wanted loyalty to his authority and was threatened by those who followed the G-d of the scriptures.

Valentine was a believer in G-d’s word and secretly performed marriages for the young soldiers before they left for war.

He also prayed for the sick and diseased and witnessed many miraculous healings.

As word got out, The Emperor had Valentine arrested and put in prison.

He was asked to renounce his faith and when he refused, he was beheaded on February 14th.
Before he was matryed, he wrote a note to the believers whom he loved and signed it “Love, Your Valentine”.

This history is significant, because it demonstrates how distorted truth can become as it is molded to a culture and to man’s purposes.

The truth about Valentine is that one man first loved G-d, then loved the people around him enough to sacrifice his own life at the hands of
            corrupt leaders.

However today, if “Valentine” is mentioned, most of us think, chocolate, flowers, and romance even though the man demonstrated the highest
            example of what “love” is.

In fact, the celebration in most countries of the world has no resemblance to the original truth.

It has taken almost 2000 years for Valentine’s Day to become a major consumer day. People buy gifts for their pets, and “significant others”.

Elementary schools are buzzing with cards and candy.

But, the truth and meaning of Valentine’s life is not even known by most.

For example, only 35 years ago, Zahir Muhsein (a PLO Exec. Committee Member) told the world that “The “Palestinian People” do not exist. “The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today, there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians  and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people.” (
March 31, 1977, the Dutch newspaper Trouw)
In only 35 years, the Palestinian people have developed a history, culture and land that has absolutlely no resemblance to fact or history!

Only 65 years ago there were Palestinian Jews and Palestinian Arabs living in an area under British mandate.

The Palestine Post became the Jerusalem Post.

The Anglo-Palestine Bank became Bank Leumi L’Israel.

In 1936 the Palestine Symphony orchestra was composed of 70 Palestinian Jews!

TODAY, however  governments all over the world stand with the “Palestinian people” as though they are a displaced Arab nation.

Historical truth shows that “Palestine” was never an Arab nation. It was never even a nation!

For several hundred years leading up to World War I, all of Israel, the Kingdom of Jordan and Palestine were merely provinces of the Ottoman


After British-led Allied troops routed the Turks from the country in 1917-18, the League of Nations recognized Britain’s occupation with a
 document that gave the British conditional control granted under a mandate.

It empowered Britain to facilitate the creation of a “Jewish National Home” while respecting the rights of the native Arab population.

British Colonial Secretary Winston Churchill later partitioned the mandate in 1922 and gave the East Bank of the Jordan to the Hashemites many of
 whom were Arabs living in Palestine..

Following World War II, the League of Nations’ successor, the United Nations, voted in November 1947 to partition the remaining portion of the land into Arab and Jewish states.
While the Jews accepted partition, the Arabs did not.

So, much like the history of Valentine is the fabricated history of Palestine.

Sadly, if one takes the time to truly search out the truth, they can find it.
And the truth about both these issues is G-d honoring!

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