Friday, March 23, 2012


How often have you recently heard, “Jews run the world,” or “Jews run the world’s economy”.  Now anyone with a brain would recognize that The Rockefellers, The Kennedys, Warren Buffet and Bill Gates are not Jews, neither are The Onassis family, Prince Charles and the royal family or King Abdulla Bin Abdulaziz  al-Saud of Saudi Arabia.  None of these financially elite names are Jewish. Sure there are Jewish people who are wealthy, but there are also many powerful people who are not Jewish. So where did this myth come from and why is it being broadcast throughout the media today?

To take this even one step further, why is it acceptable to demonize Israel and Jewish people?  Why do world leaders like Ayatollah Ali Khomani say “Every Muslim is required to arm themselves against Israel,” and no one seems to care?
Why is it when Palestinian terrorist are honored for killing innocent Jews in Israel it goes unnoticed by most of the press?  How can textbooks in the USA describe 9-11’s Jihadists as “people fighting for a cause” and it’s considered an acceptable academic fact?
Why do some textbooks in England deny the holocaust even after England was bombed by German warplanes and many families took Jewish orphans rescued out of Eastern Europe by brave British citizens?  Why has the western mainstream press failed to report the swastikas and vandalism done on 2 large American campuses two days ago?
There is a simple two-word answer to all this - “politically correct.”
We hear that phrase almost every day. What exactly does it mean? Is it a “new” idea? Is it correct? Is it dangerous? Is it more dangerous for some groups than for others? These are all worthwhile questions.
Political correct thinking began as a concept as Marxism grew in Europe around 1914. It took on its name in 1923 as part of a German think tank called, The Institute for Social Research. It begins by creating “cultural lines” that cannot be crossed. These cultural lines have to do with denying moral values that come from biblical foundations.  I am sure you can think of a few examples right at the top of your head like “Israeli Apartheid,” “Islamophobia,” and “Jewish Aggression”.
Now a key to the “politically correct” ideology is real historical facts must be ignored. In other words, the whole population must feel socially forced to live a lie!
Many of my earlier posts present factual evidence proving these “catch words” cannot stand up against the truth. Yet there is no room in the politically correct world for dissension.
In fact, part of “cultural Marxism-political correctness” is “DECONSTRUCTION.” Deconstruction allows for the exclusion of facts and the replacement of whatever supports the “politically correct” thought on that subject, in other words whatever meaning is desired.  For this to work effectively - living lies is ok - the society’s moral compass must be removed. It must be free of biblically based foundations.  This results in a targeted attack on Jews as well as Christians.
 At some point, most informed people start to say – “Hey this stuff is false, it’s a lie.” This leaves the ruling authorities no choice but to  force everyone to support the lie.
This is how the holocaust came about. We wonder how could an educated, Christian society kill masses of innocent people? The society had slowly become a victim of politically correct thinking. Statements such as, “the Jews are the cause of our economic problems,” “Just agree with your teachers, get good grades,” and “don’t draw attention to your opinion, just stay quiet.” And thus millions of people were destroyed.
This all reminds me of Israel’s first king, a man named Saul. In 1 Samuel, chapter 15, Samuel had given King Saul instructions from the Lord. King Saul halfway followed them and then did what he thought was best based on pressure from those around him. In verse 24, King Saul admits, “I was afraid of the people, so I gave into them.” At that point King Saul lost his kingship that had been given to him by G-d, because he had rejected the word G-d gave him.  King Saul had lost his moral compass. He had convinced himself of something that was not true.
The opposite spirit of the “politically correct” King Saul is that of Joshua.  When Joshua returned with the spies from the promised land, he did not succumb to the majority’s warped opinions. He stayed in agreement with G-d and said, “we are well able to take the land.” Forty years later, he listened to the Lord tell him to be strong and courageous, to be careful to obey G-d, keep His words in his heart and he will be successful.
Nothing has really changed in thousands of years!  Today, we are being asked, “what are we going to believe?” “Are we going to stand for the truth or submit to public pressure?” “ARE WE GOING TO BELIEVE G-D?” There really isn’t a choice. The result of following the politically correct leads to death.  The result of a Joshua heart is taking the land, and receiving our inheritance. It’s a “no brainer!” So we challenge the status quo. We seek the truth, even if it takes a bit more effort. We refuse to be brainwashed and to lose our identity and our moral values.

Daniel also gives us an excellent example of a person who did not succumb to politically correct thought. He didn’t eat what others ate. He didn’t bow when others bowed. He didn’t water down his dream interpretations in fear of being punished. He was a man who knew his G-d and did great exploits. He ended his life having honored truth and honored G-d and influenced many.  We can do the same!”
So the next time you hear about “Israeli aggression” count how many bombs have been launched into Israel from Gaza. When you read Israel is an “apartheid state” compare the freedoms and benefits Israeli Arabs have to those Arabs living in Syria or Saudi Arabia. When you hear Jews run the world economy google “Rockefeller” or "King Abdullah" and find out who has the wealth! 

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