Thursday, January 19, 2012

Let Truth Prevail!

Welcome back to WhataboutIsrael 2012! We took a short break revving up the engines for the season ahead.  Of course, politics and those desirous to eliminate Israel did not take a break! One noticeable pattern, and a very disturbing one, that is continually surfacing in this season, is the use of antisemitic lies for attacking Israel. Sadly, as has been the case often in the past, the “organized” church is beginning to follow unbiblical beliefs that have historically had tragic effects on history. Below, are several new posts addressing these slanderous lies, such as “Jews are Christ killers,” “Jerusalem is not a Jewish city,” and “Christian Leaders should align themselves against the Jews and Israel.” Sadly, these leaders are even using proven false literary pieces like “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.” Please find the time to read these posts and share them with friends. We do not want ignorance to win in these serious times. We want to be those who know the truth and share it with others. In "Check this Out" we have provided 2 new clips that allow you to hear the palestinian Leaders' own words as they rant about Israel to their people. We want to make it clear that we are not against any people group. We believe G-d loves people, even those who do not love Him. However, He will always honor His Word. He will bless the descendants of Ishmael, and He will bless Jacob as well with all that he has declared in His Word. Although we do not believe the Qu’ran is the inspired word of God, the Qu’ran in Sura 5:21 quotes Moses telling the Jews to "enter into the holy land which Allah has assigned to you".  This is in agreement with G-d’s word in Exodus chapter 6, verse 8 in which G-d speaks to Moses and says: And I will bring you into the land which I swore to give to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; and I will give it to you as a heritage: I am the Lord.”  Thank you for reading these and sharing the factual information with the people you know. May G-d bless you and give you victory in every area of life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome word.
Keep'em coming! Israel needs friends like WhatAboutIsrael.