Monday, June 25, 2012

ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION - Why is it such a problem in Israel and the United States?

Is it just me? Or does anyone else ever wonder why despite Israel’s struggles with violence and terrorism and America’s failing economy, people from all over the world are still willing to risk their lives and enter these nations illegally!

We never read about “massive” floods of immigrants into China, or India or Russia!
In fact, many countries make it “impossible” to leave, forcing their own citizens to stay in the nation against their will.

Ever wonder what it is that makes these two nations so attractive?

Why do people risk their lives on boats, rafts, walking days through hostile deserts to be smuggled into Israel? America?
Why do people come as visitors, yet never leave, forfeiting opportunities to see their families again back in their native lands?

Both countries get pretty bad international press. They are often written about as the “enemy” of the world, the problem, even America’s current President travels the world apologizing for his nation, yet people keep coming. So great is the influx of people who illegally enter America and Israel that both nations are now facing serious social and economic problems.
 There is a huge demand placed on the “Goodwill” of both nations beyond what they are able to do.

As is the case in all nations, America and Israel have laws that have been democratically determined to establish criteria for people from other nations to live legally within their borders. These laws help to keep the native citizens safe and help avoid huge demands on the economy. They also help preserve the qualities unique to each culture and are far more liberal than most countries.

Both America and Israel have their foundations in the Bible. Is it possible that this may be the root of the attraction? Of course, not everyone would recognize that, but, if we dig deep enough we may find that principles from G-d’s word have helped make these two nations become magnets to hurting people throughout the world.

So let’s look beyond “job opportunities” or “health care” or even “freedom” to why these three things even factor into the equation.
Nature and the Bible both present clear laws about reaping and sowing. Anyone who has ever planted a seed can tell you the plant that grows from that seed is identical to the plant the seed comes from and contains even more seeds for planting.  For example, an apple seed produces an apple tree with hundreds of apples that have hundreds of seeds!

When citizens of a nation believe this principle, whether it is applied to agriculture or finances or benevolence they will prosper.

Ever ask why the tiny nation of Israel was one of the first nations to fly medical surgical units across the Atlantic to Haiti after the devastating earthquake?

Ever ask why America trains certain groups to bring crisis relief to hurt areas of the world?

Just wondering……where were the wealthy Saudis when Haiti was suffering? Where were the industrialized Chinese?

Another principle in G-d’s Word that greatly affects the culture of both America and Israel is their foundation is the 10 Commandments.  These provide a moral structure for how people respond to G-d and how they treat each other.

Now, I totally understand that both societies have stretched the limits in recent years regarding these laws, and some people would vote to abandon them, yet they still stand as the basis of the law in both nations and have proven to be a beneficial foundation from which to build healthy communities and cultures. In fact, so healthy that thousands of refugees want to live under their umbrella.

Yes, freedom is a real attraction to people who come from nations where it does not exist, however, freedom in itself, without some standard of right and wrong will result in greater oppression and tyranny. History has proven this to be true.

I am not in any way saying America and Israel are perfect nations……is there one? Can there ever be one if imperfect people are governing? But, we must ask ourselves what is the attraction? Why against all bad reports concerning these two nations do the people keep coming?
It is not just money! The Arab nations are rich in oil money, they have gold dripping in their market places.  
Opportunities? Maybe. There are biblical principles about hard work that
G-d watches over to enforce, like in Proverbs 14, ALL HARD WORK BRINGS A PROFIT or Proverbs 10, THE HAND OF THE DILIGENT MAKES RICH.  Hard work is surely what has caused Israel to become a leading nation to invest in, in only 64 short years.
The opportunity to work hard is also what has attracted to many people to come to Israel and to America. However, maybe the most attractive foundation to both cultures is the value placed on every life. This permeating truth is found throughout the Bible, but beautifully expressed in Psalm 139.

This is the motivation behind rescue aid, medical aid, educational assistance, and many other benevolent actions that are core to the heart of both Israelis and Americans.

Obviously, neither country can ignore immigration laws. For the protection of their legal citizens, laws must be enforced regarding how people enter Israel and the United States or any other country.

But, it is impossible to any longer ignore the attraction these two nations have and the lack of attraction it’s enemies have. It is time for the world to recognize that Biblical principles work in life. They produce healthy, prosperous societies that have opportunities and reward hard work and achievement. Maybe if other nations followed Israel and the United State’s examples, their citizens would stop risking all to leave their countries, and become key players to its success!

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