Like many Americans, I enjoy shopping for bargains, things that
cost less than their real value. I love the popular on line classified ads from
Craigslist. We have actually purchased great appliances and sound equipment
from that website. Usually ads for pets, jobs, home stuff is very popular and
hundreds of ads are added and answered daily.
What do you think would happen if Craigslist had ads in the “Jobs”
section that read:
Volunteers needed who have experience in planning mass murder, great
killing and slaughter. We are interested in prospective volunteers willing to
commit suicide with the hope of massacring multitudes of others in Europe and
America. If interested please contact – hml/cre/ Past experience is not necessary.
In America, this is still illegal, but it
does exist in Yemen and on the internet!
Sadly, Al-Qaeda has posted online
recruitment through advertisements on the internet!
They are looking for “volunteers” to
especially target the U.S., Israel and France.
Obviously, the aim is to kill yourself and take a bunch of others along who do not believe what you believe.
Obviously, the aim is to kill yourself and take a bunch of others along who do not believe what you believe.
So what exactly would the interested party
I sincerely thought about this. I know some
people end their lives because of great sadness and depression. It is tragic
and certainly not what their creator would want for them.
Maybe those who volunteer fall into this category?
They have no hope? They feel like failures?
Would any of them ever ask, “why don’t
those writing the ads volunteer?”
Seems like if you feel so strongly about
the “cause” you would volunteer!
Then there’s the question what value does
your god place on your life?
Are you just a tool for him to wage
Didn’t he make you in his image? Or does
your god say something different?
Didn’t he make you to love him? Worship
him? Be an example of who he is to others?
What exactly is the character of this god?
The G-d of Israel says through David (Psalm
139) that you are fearfully and wonderfully made. You were knit together by
That makes you sooooo valuable to Him. That
makes you “the apple of His eye!”
He made each of us with a plan. Jeremiah
says (29:11) the plan is good to give us a future and a hope!
I sincerely hope someone reads this before
they read Al Qaeda’s ad.
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